Sunday, August 29, 2010

Summer of Sucking

I can't believe how bad this summer has been for my fitness. It started ok with my off season spin classes and running on the treadmill, but for the last month, it has been downhill from there. My work has been a major stumbling block... I know at least I have a job, but the hours are not conducive with getting out and enjoying the summer. The summer is almost over, but maybe the amount of work will slow down and let me get back in the gym.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Week Six

I've finally seen some weight movement. I've been loosing a half pound here and there, but have not really seen any significant movement. This week I've lost 2.5 pounds and what is really weird, I cut back my aerobic activity due to work. I don't know if it is the added stress or my body needing some additional time off.

Current Weight - 203.5
Body Fat - 15.1%

This week:
Swim - 0
Bike - 2 session
Run - 0 miles
Misc - 2 sessions of weight training


Sunday, January 18, 2009

End of Week #1

Starting Weight - 208.6
Body Fat - 16.6%

Yea... I know he's at it again, but it seemed to work for me the last couple of times that I've been writing down what I've been doing for my fitness so I'm at it again.

Current Weight - 207.4
Body Fat - 16.2%

This week:
Swim - 0
Bike - 3 session
Run - 7 miles
misc - 3 sessions of weight training


Back at it.... again.

Back from a longer then usual holiday break and my fitness level has taken a nosedive. I'm again hovering around 210... 208.6 lbs and 16.6% body fat.

I've started working at a new building that has a fitness center that I can use before work, lunch time, or after work if I wanted to and I joined.

The facility isn't the greatest, but it does allow me to work out instead of going out for lunch. It's a win win situation for me.

I also started to do weights to regain muscle mass and also to work on my chronic shoulder.

We'll see how it goes in a month when I get to see the interim results.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Good... I haven't ballooned during the Halloween/Thanksgiving seasons. I'm now officially not working for almost three solid weeks and I'm going to try to get to gym on a consistent basis.
The Bad... I haven't worked out for almost four weeks due to stress and being too busy at work and home.

The Ugly... I still need to get through the Christmas season.

Weight today 205.0 even
Fat Percentage of 16.4


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Twenty Weeks Twenty Pounds

I've been a wreck this year... first in March it was a hyper extended knee, in June my rotator cuff started acting up and finally in July it was my back. All this has made me fat and lazy and I've put on weight.

I got up this morning and weighed myself. I've grown to be 210.1 pounds and I'm not happy.

So it is time to get back to work.

It's going to be tuff with Halloween, Thanksgiving and the Christmas all being in the twenty weeks of the weight loss, but it needs to be done. And sure, the shoulder still hurts and my knee isn't as strong, but that doesn't matter right now. The goal is twenty pounds in twenty weeks and I mean to hit that target.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Week Four

Week four comes to an end and I went back to my workout hard. I was able to workout four days and did six cardio workouts. I ran ten miles and biked four times. I was even able to swim 250 yards and do a yoga class.

Total calories burned 7342.
Average weight - 198.6
Body Fat % - 14.0

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Week Three

So this week has come to an end and it has not been a great week.
I think I'm going to add a measure for each week just to see the formal workouts that I do.

This week I was able to go on a three mile run... 9 minute / mile pace.
Total calories burned 670.
Average weight - 199.4
Body Fat % - 14.2